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Bliksund EWA Release 31

Version 31.0 of EWA was released to customers on July 5th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.7.89.0
Client Application24.7.89.0
Client Hub24.7.89.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.7.89.0
EOC Integration24.7.89.0
Export Service24.7.89.0
Form Module API24.7.89.0
Form Module Data24.7.89.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.7.89.0
LiveView API24.7.89.0
Medical Unit Broker24.7.89.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.7.89.0
Personnel Registration API24.7.89.0
Version Manager API24.7.89.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

Content of this Release

New Features

Updated Features

Fixes in Version 31.0

Patch 31.1

Tested Medical Devices

New Features

Editable EOC Ticket in EWA Client (Release Candidate)

The new feature flag 'Enable Editable EOC Ticket' allows the user to edit the mission ID and select urgency level in an EOC Ticket.


The new feature of editing an EOC Ticket is only for users that does not have integration with EOC.The 'EMCC Ticket' and 'Enabling Editable EOC Ticket in EWA Client' feature flags must be enabled to allow editing of the EOC ticket for manual missions. Merging manual missions with awaiting EOC tickets will not function properly together with this new feature. This feature should NOT be used along with 'Merge EOC Ticket feature' Click here to read more about the existing merge feature. Make sure that this is not enabled together with 'Editable EOC Ticket'.

Once the new feature flag 'Enable Editable EOC Ticket' is activated, all manual missions created in the EWA Client will have the option to edit the mission ID and change the urgency level. Clicking the edit button will open a flyout where both the mission ID and urgency level can be modified.

Editable EOC Ticket record view

Editable EOC Ticket flyout

More information about the editable EOC Ticket can be found here: User Guide Editable EOC Ticket

Updated Features

Configuring and connecting to Corpuls - Bluetooth low energy devices

  • We have updated the Insight Equipments page to allow you to set the connection port when configuring Corpuls devices. All existing Corpuls equipment will default to port 2. When configuring a Corpuls medical device with Bluetooth Low Energy, you can set the connection port to port 5. After configuration, sync the EWA Client and manually pair the device to connect. Please refer to the user document for a step-by-step procedure.




More information on how to configure Corpuls medical device using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Manage Medical Device

More information on how to pair and connect to a Corpuls medical device using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Connect To BLE

Updated Form Feature Enhancements

  • We have introduced a feature that allows you to make a field mandatory when configuring a form. You can specify whether a field should be required by toggling the "Required" option on. When a field is marked as mandatory in the EWA Client, the form cannot be completed without providing a response to that field.



  • We have enhanced the user experience for form responses in the EWA Client by adjusting the styling, including colors, fonts, and sizes, to match the standard theme.


  • Status texts such as "ongoing" or "not filled" will no longer display on the tile. Additionally, we have removed the confirmation pop-up when saving a form response as a draft. These changes are part of ongoing efforts to ensure a consistent user experience across all tiles vs forms in the EWA Client.



See Forms user guide

Remove the "AMK Notified" tile and its associated value

  • We currently display "AMK Notified" as a separate tile in the ePCR. However, since this information is now included within the incident details received from the EOC, the separate "AMK Notified" tile is no longer necessary and should be removed from both Insight and Client. We will still retain this field in the print record by retrieving its value from the EOC ticket.

Replace the older Kilometer tile with the new version

  • We have replaced the old Kilometer tile with a new version built using a Blazor component. This new version is now fully operational and has been thoroughly tested over the past few releases. As a result, the older version of the Kilometer tile has been phased out. The "Mission Distance V2" feature flag is now marked as "Deprecated" and will be removed from the list of features once all associated resources are disabled.

Fixes in Version 31.0

Ticket: 3331754994 | DevOps: 21087 | Reported by: Internal


Getting a error exception related to initializing GPS location in technical logs.

How it is solved:

Changed the logic behind the detaching and reattach of event handler in GPSLocation. Ensuring it is done correctly fixed the issue.

2. Pop up "about record" hides the D-ECG status

Ticket: 2614418380 | DevOps: 24536 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


Pop up "About record" lies above and hide the status of the lower D-ECG.

How it is solved:

Created a handler for closing the CommandBar in the journal view, then configured Medical Device button("MTU") to close command bar on click, ensuring "about" menu does not overlap fly-outs.

3. Not getting results in my records report when applying filter for urgency

Ticket: 2928343535 | DevOps: 23817 | Reported by: Helse Vest


There is no items found when applying filter for urgency in my records page.

How it is solved:

Changed the logic behind the querying stuff.

4. Duplicates of triage and medication in Facts tables

Ticket: 3397238513, 3451395521 | DevOps: 24583 | Reported by: Helse Vest, Helse Nord


Exported data is duplicated multiple times with triage and medication in Facts tables.

How it is solved:

Update the data warehouse service to make sure data is linked to correct recordID in data warehouse database.

5. Previous data is not cleared when we fill in form initially and then change the option

Ticket: none | DevOps: 24043 | Reported by: Internal


Previous data is not cleared when we fill in form initially and then change the option (happens with single choice question type).

How it is solved:

Re-render radio element whenever clicking next/previous section to prevent caching old data in new element.

6. Patient tile "identity number" not filling in correctly if order is reversed

Ticket: 3030060993 | DevOps: 23814 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


When entering a 5 digit personal number and then fill in a matching date of birth in the patient tile in the EWA Client. The 11 digit identity number does not automatically fill in.

How it is solved:

Update the logic to also check for a 5 digit personal number in addition to the existing match for 11 digit identity number. Set the identity number if there is a valid match.

7. Missing station in Overview Report for users with Organization or Department access

Ticket: none | DevOps: 24641 | Reported by: Internal


User with only organization or department overview report access is missing a station in the results when searching without station filter. When applying the filter for the station in question it shows up.

How it is solved:

Increasing the character limit for the Store produce parameter.

8. Cardiac arrest form data mapped to incorrect record

Ticket: 3468334534 | DevOps: 24734 | Reported by: Helse Nord


After selecting a time in the cardiac arrest form of a record (Record 1), the Closing handler is triggered to save the data.

If you then open another record (Record 2), the handler mistakenly activates again with Record 1's cardiac arrest data, saving it incorrectly to Record 2.

This results in Record 2 receiving incorrect cardiac arrest data, even though no such data was entered for it.

How it is solved:

The fix includes two parts:

  • Use the Closed handler for the time flyout within the cardiac arrest form to prevent incorrect triggers.

  • Save the cardiac arrest data with the correct record Id from the handler parameters instead of the current record Id.

Patch 31.1

Version 31.1 of EWA was released to customers on August 9th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.8.48.0
Client Application24.8.48.0
Client Hub24.8.48.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.8.48.0
EOC Integration24.8.48.0
Export Service24.8.48.0
Form Module API24.8.48.0
Form Module Data24.8.48.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.8.48.0
LiveView API24.8.48.0
Medical Unit Broker24.8.48.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.8.48.0
Personnel Registration API24.8.48.0
Version Manager API24.8.48.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Forms content not being shown

Ticket: none | DevOps: 25036 | Reported by: Internal


Completed content in the checklists is not displayed in Journal Search or on PDF. Only the heading is shown.

How it is solved:

Corrected the logic behind the backward compatibility of forms when interacting with the old version configuration.

Tested Medical Devices

This release has been tested on the listed medical devices and corresponding software versions, ensuring compatibility and performance in the specified environments.


Tested software versions:

  • Versions 3.0.3, 4.2.2 and 4.3.2

SDK version:

  • Version


Tested software versions:

  • Version

SDK version:

  • Version 6.44.315