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Bliksund EWA Release 25

Version 25.0 of EWA was released to customers on January 3rd, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.1.311.0
Client Application24.1.311.0
Client Hub24.1.311.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.1.311.0
EOC Integration24.1.311.0
Export Service24.1.311.0
Form Module API24.1.311.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.1.311.0
LiveView API24.1.311.0
Medical Unit Broker24.1.311.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.1.311.0

Content of this Release

New Features

Updated Features

Fixes in Version 25.0

Patch 25.1

Patch 25.2

Tested Medical Devices

New Features

DIPS export to home organization

Added the possibility to create export configurations that is based on the organization of the record's resource rather than the delivery location.

  • The feature flag: Export Configuration v2 is added to be able to use this configuration type in the Export Configuration page. This feature flag is marked as Release Candidate.

The configuration form for this export type has improved item labels and help text which is displayed below the input when it's being filled.

When a configuration of this new type is active, the export service will use the organization mappings from it to populate the organization and department numbers in HL7 CDA document to DIPS.

It is recommended to disable or delete existing DIPS configurations before creating and activating a new configuration with the DIPS to home organization type.

Having multiple DIPS to home organization configurations active at the same time is NOT recommended.

Affects: Insight and Export Service.

Updated Features

Emcc ticket problem description in Print

Added the Emcc ticket problem description section to the ActiveMission container in print from Insight, Client Application and Journal Export Service.

  • The feature flag: Include EMCC problem description in Print is added in order to enable this functionality.


Affects: Insight, Client Application and Export Service.

Fixes in Version 25.0

1. Pin code for login is shown in technical log

Ticket: 2039949531 | DevOps: #20085 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


Pin code for login is shown in the technical log, together with other login information.

How it is solved:

Hide PIN code and other kinds of sensitive user's data from technical log.

2. Error message does not display the correct text

Ticket: 2043419840 | DevOps: #20105 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


Wrong error message when changing the oxygen in the chart.

How it is solved:

Correct the localized key for the error message.

3. NEWS2 - Measurements are not reset when time is set before measurements have been taken

Ticket: | DevOps: #20652 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


The problem occurs when the user has started a record with NEWS2 feature enabled, filled in measurements and completed NEWS. Then the user opens the NEWS2 tile again and sets the time back to a time before the first measurement. The NEWS2 tile does not reset the values.

How it is solved:

This is because the values are not re-validated after the time is changed. The approach is that adding date/time changed event for NEWS2 tile and re-validate the values when the time is changed back.

4. Search record returns zero results after clearing the overwriting filter

Ticket: | DevOps: #20712 | Reported by: Helse Vest


The problem occurs when searching for a record with a specific EMCC number, then clearing the overwriting filter and clicking search. The search returns zero results.

How it is solved:

Correct the filtering request data before sending it to the server.

5. Insight - editing trauma leads to duplication of text

Ticket: | DevOps: #20533 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Vest


The problem occurs when adding two or more choices for trauma that already includes other previous options, the text value will be duplicated.

How it is solved:

This is because the text value is not cleared after adding a new choice and re-generating all the selected values. The text value is now cleared when adding a new choice.

6. Search journal v2 shows wrong format for date of birth

Ticket: | DevOps: #20764 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


The patient's date of birth is shown in a wrong format compared to other kinds of datetime data.

How it is solved:

This is because the format being used does not come from the current culture. The format now will be taken from the current culture to make sure that it is the same in all places.

7. Infusion dataset configuration sorting order is not reflected in the client

Ticket: | DevOps: #20714 | Reported by: Internal


Infusion dataset sort order set in the configuration, was not implemented in sorting of the infusion type elements in the Client application.

How it is solved:

Added sorting to the dataset elements based on their sort order number.

8. Problems with search fields in location tiles

Ticket: #2043213554 | DevOps: #20653 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


Tile Place of delivery experience that when you search for something in the location tile, nothing happens when you press enter. Goes out of tile and back in, works occasionally, while other times it doesn't respond to searches.

How it is solved:

The issue arose because the search field was reset when the user clicked outside the flyout, even though the search state remained unchanged in the code-behind. To resolve this, the search text should be cleared in both the user interface and the code-behind when the flyout is closed.

9. On-screen keyboard and clicking outside the tile throws you back to the start

Ticket: 2077967054| DevOps: #20139 | Reported by: Helse Vest and Helse Midt-Norge


While using the on-screen keyboard or keyboard connected to the tablet, for example, the "Paid mission" tile and press outside the tile, the screen will jump all the way back to the EMCC ticket/start-up phase.

How it is solved:

Moved check for active tile that is set when navigating to Anamneses, ESS and Triage{1,2}, Paid mission.

10. Not possible to edit patient care completed status in Insight

Ticket: 2154090176 | DevOps: #20784 | Reported by: Helse Vest


It was not possible to edit patient care completed status in Insight, even though the feature was active and the record should have had it.

How it is solved:

Changed file encoding of the view back to the correct encoding which fixed string comparisons.

Patch 25.1

Version 25.1 of EWA was released to customers on January 16th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.1.15160.0
Client Application24.1.15160.0
Client Hub24.1.15160.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.1.15160.0
EOC Integration24.1.15160.0
Export Service24.1.15160.0
Form Module API24.1.15160.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.1.15160.0
LiveView API24.1.15160.0
Medical Unit Broker24.1.15160.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.1.15160.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Cardiac arrest form is triggered several times when interventions are selected

Ticket: 2154168018| DevOps: #20763 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


Getting cardiac arrest mandatory message is displayed for each intervention (Tiltak) created after the 2nd intervention. The message also comes when interventions are deleted from the medical chart.

How it is solved:

Modify the condition to display the obligatory message only once when the chosen intervention causes a cardiac arrest and refrain from showing this message when removing an intervention from the list.

2. Print shows different format of date

Ticket: 2144852978 | DevOps: #20787 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


Date of printing and assignment date are displayed in different formats when printed out, it is shown with month/day/year, but under the item for assignment date it is written with day/month/year.

How it is solved:

Modifying the journal print record to show the print date according to the current culture.

3. Unsent journal updates are stuck in the queue

Ticket: 2189328335| DevOps: #20858 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


The journal updates in EWA client is unsent to the server due to missing journal ID.

How it is solved:

When the journal deleted, the unsent data from the client side will be cleared but the audit log still be kept and send to server for the troubleshooting issue if have any later. Also we make an improvement on the logging with more details.

Patch 25.2

Version 25.1 of EWA was released to customers on February 9th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.2.912.0
Client Application24.2.912.0
Client Hub24.2.912.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.2.912.0
EOC Integration24.2.912.0
Export Service24.2.912.0
Form Module API24.2.912.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.2.912.0
LiveView API24.2.912.0
Medical Unit Broker24.2.912.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.2.912.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Could not print journal from LiveView if it has completed checklists

Ticket: | DevOps: #20949 | Reported by: Internal


Getting a invalid request error while trying to print PDF from live view with completed checklist data in it.

How it is solved:

Passing current URL to the service used for printing checklist.

2. Journals getting attached to incorrect delivery location when there is multiple delivery location in the LiveView

Ticket: 2200980159| DevOps: #20950 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


Journals getting attached to delivery location which it is not attached to, when the Live view has multiple delivery locations.

How it is solved:

Validated location guid while attaching a mission to LiveView.

3. Possible to register HTML code in forms

*Ticket:*2343360734 | DevOps: #21873 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


While recording a form response in EWA client, it is possible to enter register HTML code.

How it is solved:

We display HTML link as plane text.

Tested Medical Devices

This release has been tested on the listed medical devices and corresponding software versions, ensuring compatibility and performance in the specified environments.


Tested software versions:

  • Versions 3.0.3 and 4.2.2

SDK version:

  • Version