Bliksund EWA Release 18
Version 18.0 of EWA was released to customers on May 31st, 2023.
The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:
Component | Version |
Client Application | 23.5.58808.0 |
Client Hub | 23.5.58808.0 |
Data Warehouse Export Service | 23.5.58808.0 |
EOC Integration | 23.5.58808.0 |
Export Service | 23.5.58808.0 |
HP Link Patient Identity API | 23.5.58808.0 |
Insight | 23.5.58808.0 |
Medical Unit Broker | 23.5.58808.0 |
Migration and Seeding Tool | 23.5.58808.0 |
Content of this Release
New Features
Added timeline report for displaying completed ambulance missions
- Added a new report page in Insights which displays a timeline report to keep track of how much the various resources have driven in relation to rest time determination.
- Added authorization of access rights while accessing the timeline report page.
See Documentation for timeline report for more information.
Affects: EWA Insight | Timeline report
Updated Features
Improvements to Print
- Sort the time or start time of the chart data ascending to display it chronologically in Print.
- Removed the label text contact reason in Print when options "Triage set based on vital parameters" or "Not performed triage" is selected in the ESS flyout.
- Changed the name from medicines to drugs.
Affects: EWA Client Application | EWA Insight | Print
Updated MUBroker with the newest SDK version to support corpuls 4.2.2
- Updated MUBroker with SDK version
Affects: EWA MUBroker | EWA Client Application
Facelift of Health Trust page in Insight
- The Health Trust page has been updated with a new look and feel.
- The new page can be toggled off/on by disabling/enabling the feature flag "Use health trust page v2" for all resources in Insight.
- The feature flag will be enabled for all resources by default after migration has been run.
Affects: EWA Insight | Health Trust
Fixes in Version 18.0
1. Application crashes when deleting manual mission with same AMIS number as a mission from AMK
Ticket: 19138 | DevOps: #14204 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst RHF
When creating a new mission from application that has the same mission number with another existed one, the application will be crashed after we delete the newly created mission.
How it is solved:
Update the client hub and client application to validate mission number before allowing to add.
2. Updating SATS and TEWS dataset in the configuration page throws error
Ticket: | DevOps: #17620 | Reported by: Bliksund
Updating SATS and TEWS dataset in the Insight configuration page throws exception.
How it is solved:
Fixed JSON validation service while saving SATS and TEWS dataset.
3. Sharing temporary records to DIPS fails
Ticket:1309883598 | DevOps: #17754 | Reported by: Helse Vest
Sharing temporary record data from a ongoing record to DIPS fails.
How it is solved:
Changed the backing field of the Author Time for DIPS CDA to UpdatedAt.
4. Unable to create live view configuration from insights
Ticket: | DevOps: #17563 | Reported by: Bliksund
Unable to create live view configuration from the new live view configuration page in Insights.
How it is solved:
Added transformation from internal model to DTO before sending create POST request.
5. Complete button/ikon missing in ongoing record
Ticket: | DevOps: #17570 | Reported by: Bliksund
The complete journal button would disappear when closing a completed journal and opening the ongoing one.
How it is solved:
Fixed by re-raising the event that refreshes the property on which button visibility is based on.
6. EMCC Integration has enabled API key by default
Ticket:1293338304 | DevOps: #17758 | Reported by: Helse sør-øst
EMCC Integration have the API key enabled by default as well as a example key.
How it is solved:
Remove API key from EMCC integration appsettings.json.
7. RETTS Triage data getting deleted after completing the mission(Triage set based on vital parameters)
Ticket: | DevOps: #17643 | Reported by: Bliksund
The RETTS Triage data is being deleted after completing the mission when the option "Triage set based on vital parameters" is selected while performing RETTS Triage.
How it is solved:
Amended the condition which determines when triages passed.
Tested Medical Devices
This release has been tested on the listed medical devices and corresponding software versions, ensuring compatibility and performance in the specified environments.
Supported software versions:
- Versions 3.0.X to 4.2.2
SDK version:
- Version