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Bliksund EWA Release 30

Version 30.0 of EWA was released to customers on June 6th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.6.47.0
Client Application24.6.47.0
Client Hub24.6.47.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.6.47.0
EOC Integration24.6.47.0
Export Service24.6.47.0
Form Module API24.6.47.0
Form Module Data24.6.47.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.6.47.0
LiveView API24.6.47.0
Medical Unit Broker24.6.47.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.6.47.0
Personnel Registration API24.6.47.0
Version Manager API24.6.47.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

Content of this Release

New Features

Updated Features

Fixes in Version 30.0

Patch 30.1 (EWA SaaS Fixes)

Patch 30.2

Patch 30.3

Patch 30.4

Tested Medical Devices

New Features

New Integration-API with Locus Emergency

The EOC-Integration (Emergency Operations Center) for EWA has been updated to support Locus Emergency. To ensure backwards compatibility with the previous EMCC/AMK-Integration, a new API version was introduced for Locus Emergency. Those changes includes:

  • Predefined urgency code values are introduced in EWA to enable multi-language support and establish a commonly used terminology. If the code sent from the EOC does not match a known value, the actual received text from the EOC will be displayed.
  • Distance (in kilometers) sent from Locus Emergency will be handled and distance tile in EWA will be updated.
  • Support of the new EOC-ID format, incorporating the date and a sequential number for this day separated by another hyphen as the new Incident-ID-segment of the received EOC-ID.

Format change of the EOC-IDFormat change of the EOC-ID

See EOC Integration Documentation for more information.

Updated Features

Updated Form Feature Enhancements

  • Branching Conditions For Sections: We have introduced the ability to set branching conditions for sections. Personnel with access can now configure the desired user flow after completing a specific section, such as navigating to a different section or submitting the form.




We have identified an issue with the branching functionality when using the single choice element. Specifically, when a response is modified by changing the previous selection, the prior response is not cleared from the form. Our team is continuously working on enhancing the branching and form modules, and this issue will be resolved in the next release.

  • Preview Form In Form Configuration: We have added a preview option in the view/edit form flyout. By clicking the preview button, users can preview both drafted and published forms. This feature enables users to preview how the elements and conditions will appear and function when the form is being filled out.



  • We have addressed a known limitation in the form module where only three or four forms were accessible in the EWA Client based on screen resolution. Now, the form tiles will dynamically adjust and display all the forms configured according to the window size.


See Forms user guide

Introducing separate feature flags for handling Danish and UK ID type in patient tile

We have introduced two new feature flags to handle Danish and UK ID types in the patient tile. To register a patient with a Danish or UK personal identification number in the EWA client, activate the respective feature flag: 'Show Danish national ID types in the patient tile' or 'Show UK national ID types in the patient tile'. Once activated, the corresponding ID type will be automatically selected when registering a patient in the EWA client.

Patient tile

Patient tile


The old feature flag 'Show more national ID types in the patient tile' has been deprecated. Ensure it is deactivated for all resources before enabling the new feature flags. The deprecated feature flag will be removed from the features page in Insight after it has been deactivated for all resources.

Patient tile

Included crew registration details in view and edit record page in Insight (Release candidate)

We have expanded the crew registration feature to Insight. Now, the details of the crew registered in a record in the EWA client can be viewed and modified on the record search page in Insight.

Crew registration

For more information about the feature flag and the user guide for the new feature in the EWA Client see New personnel EWA Client documentation

Fixes in Version 30.0

1. Name of the consultation LiveView is not updated after modifying the name

Ticket: 2643678419 | DevOps: 22415 | Reported by: Helse Sør-Øst


After changing the name of a consultation in LiveView configuration page, the name is not updated everywhere in the LiveView.

How it is solved:

This could be because the name of LiveView is nested to the name of location. Now the name of the consultation is allowed to be updated.

2. Patient care completed tile is visible in EWA client without enabling the feature flag

Ticket: 2838828268 | DevOps: 23060 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


In the first record after installing the EWA client, the patient care completed tile is visible no matter if the feature flag is enabled or not.

How it is solved:

Check the visibility of the tile according to the feature flag when opening the first record.

3. Drop-down list in search journal page shows incorrect "Aborted" assignment type

Ticket: 2926659528 | DevOps: 23586 | Reported by: Helse Midt-Norge


Drop-down list in search journal page shows "Aborted" assignment type which does not exist.

How it is solved:

Soft delete the "Aborted" tag from the database to prevent showing it in client side because it just be used for logging purpose.

4. Canceling login with esc button makes it impossible to log in more users

Ticket: none | DevOps: 23609 | Reported by: Internal


When canceling login with esc button, spinner runs constantly and makes it impossible to log in again.

How it is solved:

Catch the esc button pressing event and stop the spinner.

5. Ongoing Forms not updated in EWA database

Ticket: none | DevOps: 22415 | Reported by: Internal


Forms data is not updated in the database after changing the response in EWA client.

How it is solved:

Correct the update functionality on the backend side.

6. On-screen keyboard and clicking outside "Forms" throws you back to the start

Ticket: none | DevOps: 23677 | Reported by: Internal


Using on-screen keyboard in a form, clicking outside the form and then clicking the "Save and close" button throws you back to start.

How it is solved:

Changed the behavior for the focus logic.

Patch 30.1 (EWA SaaS Fixes)

Version 30.1 of EWA was released to EWA SaaS customers on June 14th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Image Tag Version30.1

This patch includes the following essential fixes specifically targeting the EWA SaaS platform:

1. The chat module in the EWA client was unable to handle extra cookies

Ticket: none | DevOps: none | Reported by: Internal


The chat module in the EWA client was unable to handle extra cookies being added by ingress/proxy system.

How it is solved:

The chat module can now handle any number of cookies, up to the header size limit.

2. Fixed routing for editing personnel registration crew roles

Ticket: none | DevOps: none | Reported by: Internal


Proxy routing for request related to editing crew roles on resource types was wrong.

How it is solved:

Fixed proxy routing.

3. Fixed .NET version of final runtime image for MigrationTool

Ticket: none | DevOps: none | Reported by: Internal


The base runtime image for the migration tool Docker container was not upgraded when the project was updated to .NET 8.0.

How it is solved:

Update base runtime image was updated to an official .NET 8.0 image.

4. Lokalise changes for English language

Ticket: none | DevOps: none | Reported by: Internal


Incorrect text displayed in EWA Client, Print and Insight when language selected is English.

How it is solved:

Modified Lokalise text in EWA Client, Print and Insight.

Patch 30.2

Version 30.2 of EWA was released to customers on June 28th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.6.47.0
Client Application24.6.47.0
Client Hub24.6.47.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.6.279.0
EOC Integration24.6.47.0
Export Service24.6.47.0
Form Module API24.6.47.0
Form Module Data24.6.47.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.6.47.0
LiveView API24.6.47.0
Medical Unit Broker24.6.47.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.6.47.0
Personnel Registration API24.6.47.0
Version Manager API24.6.47.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Duplicates of triage and medication in Facts tables

Ticket: 3397238513, 3451395521 | DevOps: 24583 | Reported by: Helse Vest, Helse Nord


Exported data is duplicated multiple times with triage and medication in Facts tables.

How it is solved:

Update the data warehouse service to make sure data is linked to correct recordID in data warehouse database.

Patch 30.3

Version 30.3 of EWA was released to customers on July 5th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.6.47.0
Client Application24.7.41.0
Client Hub24.6.47.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.6.279.0
EOC Integration24.6.47.0
Export Service24.6.47.0
Form Module API24.6.47.0
Form Module Data24.6.47.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.6.47.0
LiveView API24.6.47.0
Medical Unit Broker24.6.47.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.6.47.0
Personnel Registration API24.6.47.0
Version Manager API24.6.47.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Cardiac arrest form data mapped to incorrect record

Ticket: 3468334534 | DevOps: 24734 | Reported by: Helse Nord


After selecting a time in the cardiac arrest form of a record (Record 1), the Closing handler is triggered to save the data.

If you then open another record (Record 2), the handler mistakenly activates again with Record 1's cardiac arrest data, saving it incorrectly to Record 2.

This results in Record 2 receiving incorrect cardiac arrest data, even though no such data was entered for it.

How it is solved:

The fix includes two parts:

  • Use the Closed handler for the time flyout within the cardiac arrest form to prevent incorrect triggers.

  • Save the cardiac arrest data with the correct record Id from the handler parameters instead of the current record Id.

Patch 30.4

Version 30.4 of EWA was released to customers on August 9th, 2024.

The compatible versions of the affected runtime components are listed below:

Chat Server24.8.47.0
Client Application24.8.47.0
Client Hub24.8.47.0
Data Warehouse Export Service24.8.47.0
EOC Integration24.8.47.0
Export Service24.8.47.0
Form Module API24.8.47.0
Form Module Data24.8.47.0
HP Link Patient Identity API24.8.47.0
LiveView API24.8.47.0
Medical Unit Broker24.8.47.0
Migration and Seeding Tool24.8.47.0
Personnel Registration API24.8.47.0
Version Manager API24.8.47.0
Version Manager Client Installer24.3.271.0

This patch includes the following fixes:

1. Forms content not being shown

Ticket: none | DevOps: 25036 | Reported by: Internal


Completed content in the checklists is not displayed in Journal Search or on PDF. Only the heading is shown.

How it is solved:

Corrected the logic behind the backward compatibility of forms when interacting with the old version configuration.

Tested Medical Devices

This release has been tested on the listed medical devices and corresponding software versions, ensuring compatibility and performance in the specified environments.


Tested software versions:

  • Versions 3.0.3, 4.2.2 and 4.3.2

SDK version:

  • Version


Tested software versions:

  • Version

SDK version:

  • Version 6.44.315