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Migration and Seeding Tool

The migration and seeding tool can be used to migrate the EWA database, seed locations and configure the EWA system.

Before use

The tool needs a connection string to the MSSQL database it should migrate/insert data to.

Up to version 21.10 this connection string must be set inside the Bliksund.EWA.MigrationTool.exe.config file. In releases after 21.10 the connection string must be set inside the appsettings.json file.


The tool can be invoked via the command line with command line options or it can be run interactively by double-clicking the Bliksund.EWA.MigrationTool.exe file in file explorer.

Command line options

--helpDisplay help text for the tool.
-m, --migrateMigrates the database to the newest version
-s, --seedSeeds the json files from the Data folder into the database
-v, --validateValidates that the Data folder contains the required JSON files for seeding
--localadUse local active directory for authentication and authorization in the system.
---LocalAD should not be used at the same time as --openid
--openidUse OpenID Connect for authentication and authorization in the system. Configuration should be set in file "OpenIdConnectConfiguration.json"
---OpenID should not be used at the same time as --localad
--role-access-mappingUpdate the role to access right mapping that the system should use for authorization. Configuration should be set in file "RoleToAccessMapping.json"
--pdf-configurationUpdate or inserts the pdf configuration settings. Configuration should be set in file "PdfConfiguration.json"
--department-id-mappingInserts or updates the Department ID mapping configuration which is used for OpenIdConnect with departments as single claim and rolepicker display values. Configuration should be set in file "DepartmentIdMapping.json"
--run-converterRuns a specific converter. The converter name should be provided after this argument.


To re-run data conversions, or resume a conversion that was interrupted, the --run-converter option can be used. The name of the converter to run should be provided after the option.

.\Bliksund.EWA.MigrationTool.exe --run-converter CreateRecordConfMissionTypeTable

Interactive use

When using the tool interactively, the following menu will be displayed in a console window after startup:

Menu ItemDescription
ListEnter menu to list pending, deployed and all migrations for the current version
MigrateMigrate the database up to the current version
SeedSeed data from the JSON files in Data folder to the database
Validate DataValidates that the Data folder contains the required JSON files for seeding
System ConfigurationOpens the system configuration menu
HelpDisplay help text
ExitExits the program

List menu

Menu ItemDescription
PendingList pending migrations
DeployedList deployed migrations
AllList all migrations

System Configuration menu

Menu ItemDescription
Authentication and AuthorizationConfigure which authentication and authorization method the system should use
Role to Access Rights MappingInsert or update the role to access rights mapping configuration that the system should use for authorization
Seed PDF configurationInsert or update the PDF configuration object that the system should use when generating PDFs
Department ID MappingInserts or updates the Department ID mapping configuration which is used for OpenIdConnect with departments as single claim and rolepicker display values

Configuration files


The OpenIdConnectConfiguration file consists of two objects with the same internal structure; InsightConfiguration and ClientConfiguration.

The InsightConfiguration object is used by the Insight component, while the ClientConfiguration object is used by the ClientAPI component.

PropertyTypeIsRequiredDefault valueDescription
ClientIdstringYesThe "client_id" part of the authentication flow
ClientSecretstringYesThe "client_secret" part of the authentication flow
AuthoritystringYesUrl to the Authority that should be used when making OpenIdConnect calls
SSNClaimTypestringYesClaim type of the claim that should be used for getting the "social security number" for the user. Can be any claim that will uniquely identify a user
NameClaimTypestringYesClaim type of the claim that should be used for getting the user's full name
UserIdClaimTypestringYesClaim type of the claim that should be used for getting the user's "UserId"
WorkplacesClaimTypestringYesClaim type of the claim(s) that should be used for getting the user's list of department level workplaces
OrganizationClaimTypestringYesClaim type of the claim(s) that should be used for getting the user's list of organizations. Ignored if "DepartmentsAsSingleClaim" = true
ValidAudienceslist<string>YesList of valid audiences
AdditionalScopeslist<string>No[]List of additional scopes to use
AppRoleClaimTypestringNo"roles"Claim type of the claim(s) that should be used for getting the user's list of roles
ValidIssuerslist<string>NoList of valid issuers. Uses authority as valid issuer if property is missing or value is null
DepartmentsAsSingleClaimboolNofalseTells the system to treat the value in the WorkplacesClaimType claim as a semi-colon separated list, and to use configured DepartmentIdMapping to build the user's organization hierarchy tree
RolePickerEnabledboolNofalseIs only used in InsightConfiguration. Enables a role picker in Insight which requires the user's to pick Department and Role before being able to use the rest of Insight
DepartmentsClaimSeparatorstringNo";"The separator used to separate department id values from the WorkplacesClaimType claim when DepartmentsAsSingleClaim is true

OpenIdConnectConfiguration.json - Example

"InsightConfiguration": {
"ClientId": "4a821d50-11a1-483f-8782-e865ab3033a1",
"ClientSecret": "[REDACTED]",
"Authority": "",
"SSNClaimType": "extn.ssn",
"NameClaimType": "name",
"UserIdClaimType": "preferred_username",
"WorkplacesClaimType": "groups",
"OrganizationClaimType": "extn.OrganizationIdentification",
"ValidAudiences": [
"RolePickerEnabled": true,
"DepartmentsAsSingleClaim": false
"ClientConfiguration": {
"ClientId": "4a821d50-11a1-483f-8782-e865ab3033a1",
"ClientSecret": "[REDACTED]",
"Authority": "",
"SSNClaimType": "extn.ssn",
"NameClaimType": "name",
"UserIdClaimType": "preferred_username",
"WorkplacesClaimType": "groups",
"OrganizationClaimType": "extn.OrganizationIdentification",
"ValidAudiences": [
"RolePickerEnabled": true,
"DepartmentsAsSingleClaim": false


List of objects which tells the system which access rights are given by which roles.

Definition of available access rights can be found in Access Rights document.

PropertyTypeIsRequiredDefault valueDescription
RolestringYesId/value of a role that the user's can have in their token after login
AccessRightslist<string>YesList of access rights that should be given by the Role
DisplayNamestringNoThe display name to use for the role in the role picker in Insight if it's enabled

RoleToAccessMapping - Example

"Role": "sys_role_journalregistration",
"DisplayName": "Journalregistrering",
"AccessRights": [
"Role": "sys_role_patient_complaint_handler",
"DisplayName": "Klagesakshåndtering",
"AccessRights": [


List of objects which tells the system which organization id a department belongs to, and what the name of the department is.

This list is used by the access control middleware to construct the user's organization hierarchy when DepartmentsAsSingleClaim is enabled, and to display more user-friendly names for departments in the role picker.

PropertyTypeIsRequiredDefault valueDescription
DepartmentIdstringYesId of the department. Usually a RESH-ID in Norway
DepartmentNamestringYesName of the department
OrganizationIdstringYesId of the organization that the department belongs to

DepartmentIdMapping - Example

"DepartmentId": "9ccda3e6-320a-4504-9386-97b2117ec744",
"DepartmentName": "Cardiology outpatient clinic",
"OrganizationId": "100000001",
"DepartmentId": "f45eaef5-1e97-4a15-95c3-6d77a689b9ac",
"DepartmentName": "Grimstad emergency room",
"OrganizationId": "100000001",