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Access Rights Configuration

Access to the EWA system is configured via a JSON file which is written to the database with help from the migration tool.

Configuration file

"Configuration/RoleToAccessMapping.json" file in the migration tool contains the configuration that needs to be changed in order to change the access management in the EWA system.

An example of how it looks like:

"Role": "BliksundPEPJClient",
"AccessRights": [
"Role": "BliksundPEPJAllResources",
"AccessRights": [
"Role": "BliksundPEPJAllJournalComplete",
"AccessRights": [

The file consists of a list of objects that say which roles have which access. Changes done to the file must be saved to the database using the migration tool.


The value set in this attribute states which "Role" should have permissions defined in the "AccessRights" list in this object. The definition of what a role is will be different for a system configured with local AD connectivity for login and access management, and a system configured with "OpenId Connect" federated login.

  • Local AD:
    • A role corresponds to a user group in AD.
  • OpenId Connect:
    • A role corresponds to a possible value from the role list which the user gets a token from a federated login provider.

Access Rights

The access right attribute is a list of accesses the role in the object will have internally in the EWA system. There are also other factors that play a part in whether a user have access, for example barriers in the context of patient confidentiality and organizational affiliation(only with OpenId Connect). Each object must have at least one access right.

Here is a list:

Access RightRelease versionRequires federated login configuration?Description
ClientBefore release 16.0NoCan log in to the client and fill in journals there. The list of resources in the client is filtered at the department level.
OrganizationClientBefore release 16.0YesCan log in to the client and fill in journal there. The list of resources in the client is filtered at the organization level.
AllJournalViewBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and view journals for all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationJournalViewBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view journals that belong to that organization in Insight.
DepartmentJournalViewBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view journals that belong to that department in Insight.
UserJournalViewBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and view journals where the user have been the driver, handler or a third person.
AllJournalEditBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and edit journals in all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationJournalEditBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and edit journals that belong to that organization in Insight.
DepartmentJournalEditBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and edit journals that belong to that department in Insight.
UserJournalEditBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and edit journals where the user have been the driver, handler or a third person.
AllJournalPrintBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and view print version of journals in all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationJournalPrintBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view print version of journals that belong to that Organization in Insight.
DepartmentJournalPrintBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view print version of journals that belong to that Department in Insight.
UserJournalPrintBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view print version of own journals.
AllJournalDeleteBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and delete journals in every organization and departments in Insight(Soft Delete).
OrganizationJournalDeleteBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and delete journals that belong to that organization in Insight(Soft Delete).
DepartmentJournalDeleteBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and delete journals that belong to that department in Insight(Soft Delete).
AllJournalCompleteBefore release 16.0NoCan complete journals in all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationJournalCompleteBefore release 16.0YesCan complete journals that belong to that organization in Insight.
DepartmentJournalCompleteBefore release 16.0YesCan complete journals that belong to that department in Insight.
UserJournalCompleteBefore release 16.0NoCan complete the journals where the user have been the driver, handler or a third person.
AllAuditLogBefore release 16.0NoCan search for and view user logs for all organizations and departments in Insight(Filter logs that have a journal Id).
OrganizationAuditLogBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view user logs that belong to that organization in Ins
DepartmentAuditLogBefore release 16.0YesCan search for and view user logs that belong to that department in Insight.
BlacklistWhitelistBefore release 16.0NoCan manage rules for blocking patient information in accordance with patient confidentiality.
AllReportOverviewBefore release 16.0NoCan view all overview reports in Insight.
OrganizationReportOverviewBefore release 16.0YesCan view overview reports that belong to that organization in Insight.
DepartmentReportOverviewBefore release 16.0YesCan view overview reports that belong to that department in Insight.
ReportChangeBefore release 16.0NoCan see change report in Insight. (Not made yet)
ReportMainBasicBefore release 16.0NoCan see change report in Insight. (Not made yet)
ReportLoadBefore release 16.0NoCan see change report in Insight. (Not made yet)
BillableMissionHandlerBefore release 16.0NoCan view the report for billable assignments and manage their status in Insight.
OwnReportViewBefore release 16.0NoCan access own records reports page
AllTechnicalLogBefore release 16.0NoCan search and view technical logs of all organizations and departments in Insight(Filters logs that have a journal with ID).
OrganizationTechnicalLogBefore release 16.0YesCan search and view technical logs of all organizations in Insight(Filters logs that have a journal with ID).
DepartmentTechnicalLogBefore release 16.0YesCan search and view technical logs of all departments in insight(Filters logs that have a journal with ID).
MissionSimulatorBefore release 16.0NoCan use mission simulator function in Insight.
ExportConfigurationBefore release 16.0NoCan administrate export configuration in Insight.
ExportStatusBefore release 16.0NoCan view status report for exported journals in Insight.
VersionStatusViewBefore release 16.0NoCan view status report for version on servers and clients in the system in Insight.
DatasetBefore release 16.0NoCan administrate datasets in Insight.
AdminBefore release 16.0NoCan administrate health trusts, stations, resources and locations in Insight.
PdfConfigurationViewBefore release 16.0NoCan access the PDF Settings page under the Insight admin menu, view current values, and view the change history for those settings.
PdfConfigurationEditBefore release 16.0NoCan access the PDF Settings page under the Insight admin menu, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
AllStationBefore release 16.0NoCan access station settings page under the administration menu for all organizations and departments in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for those settings.
OrganizationStationBefore release 16.0YesCan access station settings page under the administration menu for associated organizations in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
DepartmentStationBefore release 16.0YesCan access station settings page under the administration menu for associated departments in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
AllResourcesBefore release 16.0NoCan access resources settings page and resource types settings page under the administration menu for all organizations and departments in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for those settings.
OrganizationResourcesBefore release 16.0YesCan access resources settings page and resource types settings page under the administration menu for associated organizations in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
DepartmentResourcesBefore release 16.0YesCan access resources settings page and resource types settings page under the administration menu for related departments in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
AllEquipmentBefore release 16.0NoCan access equipment settings page under the administration menu for all organizations and departments in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
OrganizationEquipmentBefore release 16.0YesCan access equipment settings page under the administration menu for associated organizations in Insight, view current values, edit values, and view the change history for these settings.
LiveViewAccessBefore release 16.0NoCan access real-time screen if user has this right from the same department configured to have full or limited access in real-time screen configuration.
AllMainSimplifiedBefore release 16.0NoCan access main report without medical data on for all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationMainSimplifiedBefore release 16.0YesCan access main report with medical data on associated organizations in Insight.
DepartmentMainSimplifiedBefore release 16.0YesCan access main report with medical data on associated departments in Insight.
AllMainWithMedicalDataBefore release 16.0NoCan access main report with medical data on for all organizations and departments in Insight.
OrganizationMainWithMedicalDataBefore release 16.0YesCan access main report with medical data on associated organizations in Insight.
DepartmentMainWithMedicalDataBefore release 16.0YesCan access main report with medical data on associated departments in Insight.
SATSConfigurationAdministrationBefore release 16.0NoCan access edit and assign SATS configurations.
ChecklistAdministrationBefore release 16.0NoCan access the old checklist and new checklist configuration page to manage checklists and assign resources.
HPLinkIntegrationAdministrationBefore release 16.0NoCan access Helseplattformen HP-link integration configuration and administration page in insight. Could able to create and manage the integration configurations.
CardiacArrestReportRegisterRelease 16.0NoCan access the cardiac arrest report page and download the JSON file in Insight.
RETTSConfigurationAdministrationRelease 17.0NoCan access the RETTS configuration page in insight to upload the ESS and the vital parameter XML.
CardiacArrestConfigAdminRelease 17.0NoCan access the cardiac arrest trigger configuration page in insight to configure trigger the cardiac arrest form.
TimelineReportAccessRelease 18.0NoCan access the timeline report page and track the time spent by the resources on missions.
DepartmentLiveViewJournalPrintRelease 21.0NoCan print version of department journals from Insight LiveView.
AllTimelineReportRelease 21.0NoCan include all organization and departments journals in the time line report.
OrganizationalTimelineReportRelease 21.0NoCan include organization journals in the time line report.
DepartmentTimelineReportRelease 21.0NoCan include department journals in the time line report.
ManageReleaseCandidateFeaturesRelease 24.0NoCan manage release candidate features in Insight.
VersionManagerRelease 27.0NoCan access the version management page in Insight and manage versions to be published on the clients.
ManageCrewRoleRelease 29.0NoCan access the Manage Crew Role button within the resource types settings page for administrating the crew roles
PresentingComplaintRoleRelease 37.0NoCan access the history of presenting complaint configuration page for administrating the form of presenting complaint

And here is an example of objects with multiple accesses per role.

"ClaimValue": "BHFRKlagesaksbehandler",

Persist to database via the migration tool

Changes in access configuration must be saved using the migration tool. Can be done "Graphically" or via "Command Line". The tool must be configured with correct "ConnectionString" to database server. To save a configuration the database must be updated with the latest migration.

Graphical method

Use the migration tool graphical interface

  1. Choose System Configuration
  2. Role to Access Rights Mapping
  3. Yes
  4. This should appear: "Role to access rights mapping saved to database."

Command Line

Run "PEPJ.MigrationTool.exe --role-access-mapping":

Use this command: \Migration Tool>PEPJ.MigrationTool.exe --role-access-mapping