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Table descriptions


This table contains information about the content of a form and how it is configured

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
idForm Configuration Id from source, unique id for each form
form_nameName of the form
form_stateState of the form, 0 = draft, 1 = published
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


This table contains information about the content of a section in a form and how it is configured

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
idForm Configuration Section Id from source, unique id for each section in a form
form_configuration_idForm Configuration Id from source, unique id for each form
section_titleTitle of the section
section_descriptionDescription of the section
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


This table contains information about elements and element options in a form section

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
idForm Configuration Element Id from source, unique id for each element in a form section
form_configuration_section_idForm Configuration Section Id from source, unique id for each section in a form
form_configuration_option_idForm Configuration Option Id from source, unique id for each option in a form element
element_field_typeField type of the element
element_labelLabel of the element
element_descriptionDescription of the element
option_valueValue of the option
option_scoreScore assigned to the option
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


This table contains information about responses to a form

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
idForm Response Id from source, unique id for each response to a form
form_configuration_idForm Configuration Id from source, unique id for each form
response_stateState of the response, 0 = started, 1 = finished
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


This table contains information about responses to elements in a form section

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
form_response_section_idForm Response Section Id from source, unique id for each response to a section in a form
form_configuration_section_idForm Configuration Section Id from source, unique id for each section in a form
form_configuration_element_idForm Configuration Element Id from source, unique id for each element in a form section
form_configuration_option_idForm Configuration Option Id from source, unique id for each option in a form element
element_response_valueResponse value provided for the element
element_response_typeResponse type provided for the element
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


Bridge table for forms records from performed checklists

Column NameDescription
unique_idUnique id for this table
form_response_idForm Response Id from source, unique id for each response to a form
record_idRecord Id from source, unique id for each record
updated_atUpdated at timestamp
created_atCreated at timestamp
deleted_atDeleted at timestamp
metadata_inserted_atRow inserted at timestamp
metadata_updated_atRow updated at timestamp


This model extracts and transforms billable information from the staged records data.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with billable information.
unique_idA unique identifier generated for each record in the clean layer.
attachment_idsComma-separated list of attachment IDs related to the billable information.
insurance_companyThe name of the insurance company associated with the record's billable information.
insurance_policy_numberThe policy number for the insurance associated with the record.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes.


This model extracts and transforms data on configurable mission types and bridge them with a associated record.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for each record-configurable mission type entry.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each entry in the clean layer.
configurable_mission_type_idThe identifier linking to the specific configurable mission type associated with the record.
record_idThe identifier linking to the record associated with the configurable mission type.
updated_atThe timestamp when this entry was last updated in the source data.
created_atThe timestamp when this entry was initially created in the source data.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes.


This model unpacks and transforms data related to configurable mission types, with multilingual support for names.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for each configurable mission type.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each mission type in the clean layer.
nameThe default name of the configurable mission type.
name_en_USThe name of the mission type in US English (en-US).
name_en_GBThe name of the mission type in British English (en-GB).
name_da_DKThe name of the mission type in Danish (da-DK).
name_fr_FRThe name of the mission type in French (fr-FR).
name_de_DEThe name of the mission type in German (de-DE).
name_nb_NOThe name of the mission type in Norwegian (nb-NO).
name_sv_SEThe name of the mission type in Swedish (sv-SE).
priority_levelThe priority level associated with the mission type.
is_system_mission_typeIndicates whether the mission type is a system-defined type.
updated_atThe timestamp when the mission type was last updated.
created_atThe timestamp when the mission type was initially created.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the mission type was deleted, if applicable.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes.


This model extracts and transforms contagion-related data from the staged records.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with contagion data.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each contagion risk entry in the clean layer, based on the record ID and risk ID.
contagionContagion true or false, as extracted from JSON data.
risk_idThe unique identifier for the specific contagion risk.
risk_textDescription text for the contagion risk.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes.


This model extracts and transforms data related to drugs administered as part of records.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with drug administration. Example: '8159'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each drug entry in the clean layer, based on record ID, drug order, and personnel details. Example: '00c3af7490680534bc29122a56a5ce1d'.
nameThe name of the drug administered. Example: 'EMLA plaster'.
time_stampThe timestamp when the drug was administered. Example: '2023-02-20 12:17:00.0000000'.
doseThe dose of the drug administered. Example: '2'.
unitThe unit of the drug dose, such as mg, stk, etc. Example: 'stk'.
routeThe route or form of administration for the drug. Example: 'Transc.'.
drugs_orderThe order number of the drug within the record, indicating sequence. Example: '1'.
given_by_typeThe type or role of the person who administered the drug. Example: 'Active'.
given_by_full_nameThe full name of the personnel who administered the drug. Example: 'Mykke Plasme'.
given_by_user_idThe user ID of the personnel who administered the drug. Example: ''.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '2'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-02-20 12:17:16.6730000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 08:38:48.1479501'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 08:38:48.1479501'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores, including motor, verbal, and eye-opening responses.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with GCS data. Example: '11472'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each GCS entry, based on record ID, response type, and GCS order. Example: '000ec9103e8ce1419e05d63fe6770835'.
time_stampThe timestamp when the GCS score was recorded. Example: '2023-12-06 06:01:00.0000000'.
patient_typeThe type of patient associated with the GCS entry, as an integer. Example: '0'.
typeThe type of GCS response (e.g., motor, verbal, or eye opening). Example: 'verbal_response'.
descriptionDescription of the GCS response type. Example: 'Orientert'.
scoreThe score associated with the GCS response. Example: '5'.
gcs_orderThe order number of the GCS entry within the record, indicating sequence. Example: '1'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-12-06 08:45:40.8770000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:58:05.2920484'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:58:05.2920484'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to infusion records.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with infusion data. Example: '4628'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each infusion entry in the clean layer, based on record ID, infusion order, and personnel details. Example: '0183a4b6835f15b43d1a645eca390b6'.
start_time_stampThe timestamp when the infusion started. Example: '2022-07-21 05:53:00.0000000'.
end_time_stampThe timestamp when the infusion ended. Example: '2022-07-21 06:25:00.0000000'.
amountThe amount administered during the infusion. Example: '20'.
unitThe unit of the infusion amount, such as ml or mg. Example: 'ml'.
infusion_orderThe order number of the infusion within the record, indicating sequence. Example: '1'.
given_by_full_nameThe full name of the personnel who administered the infusion. Example: 'Mykke Plasme'.
given_by_user_idThe user ID of the personnel who administered the infusion. Example: ''.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2022-07-21 06:27:39.4670000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:59:30.3074766'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:59:30.3074766'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to medical interventions performed during the record.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with intervention data. Example: '11509'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each intervention entry, based on record ID, intervention order, and personnel details. Example: '00b4b36eabd9d041cedc92cae9a3e8be'.
nameThe name of the intervention performed. Example: 'Thorakal trykkavlastning'.
time_stampThe timestamp when the intervention was performed. Example: '2023-12-07 08:41:00.0000000'.
intervention_groupThe group or category of the intervention. Example: 'Skader'.
given_by_full_nameThe full name of the personnel who performed the intervention. Example: 'Mykke Plasme'.
given_by_user_idThe user ID of the personnel who performed the intervention. Example: ''.
intervention_orderThe order number of the intervention within the record, indicating sequence. Example: '7'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '0'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-12-07 08:55:21.9770000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:59:58.6980168'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:59:58.6980168'.


This model extracts and transforms location data related to records, including incident, via, start, and destination places.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with location data. Example: '12799'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each location entry, based on record ID and location type. Example: '0209b74d3a56cf9b4c050a5b63488a06'.
idThe unique identifier for the specific location. Example: '5632'.
address_or_placeThe address or name of the place associated with the location. Example: 'Grimstad'.
zipThe ZIP code of the location, if available. Example: '4887'.
cityThe city where the location is situated. Example: 'Grimstad'.
municipality_or_countryThe municipality or country where the location is situated. Example: 'Evje og Hornnes'.
latitudeThe latitude coordinate of the location, if available. Example: '58.3456'.
longitudeThe longitude coordinate of the location, if available. Example: '8.1234'.
nameThe name of the location. Example: 'Ambulanse Grimstad'.
descriptionA description of the location or its purpose. Example: 'Ambulanse Grimstad, flere etapper'.
addressThe full address of the location, if available.
typeThe type of location, indicating whether it is an incident, via, start, or destination place. Example: 'destination_place'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-04-23 14:09:18.6300000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 09:05:54.7377396'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 09:05:54.7377396'.


This model extracts and transforms miscellaneous information related to records, including extra persons, assistance, and circumstances.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with miscellaneous information. Example: '9845'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each miscellaneous information entry in the clean layer. Example: '0060abc3ae7c5b3a6a1f0a6162e34997'.
extra_personsList of any extra persons associated with the record. Example: 'Ingen'.
assistanceType of assistance provided, if any. Example: 'Ingen'.
circumstancesAny special circumstances noted for the record. Example: 'Ingen spesielle omstendigheter'.
transferred_fromIndicates if the record was transferred from another entity. Example: 'Nei'.
transferred_toIndicates if the record was transferred to another entity. Example: 'Nei'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-07-25 12:54:39.9270000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:32.7291937'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:32.7291937'.


This model extracts and transforms miscellaneous medical information associated with records, including energy assessments, injury types, and chief complaints.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with miscellaneous medical information. Example: '9845'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each entry in the clean layer. Example: '013acb3a04eecb944c7192e34b8743a7'.
energy_assessmentEnergy assessment details associated with the record. Example: 'Fall > 3m (barn)'.
mechanism_of_injuryThe mechanism of injury recorded. Example: 'Fly'.
safety_equipmentSafety equipment involved, if any. Example: 'Ingen kjent'.
type_of_injuryTypes of injuries associated with the record. Example: 'Fall'.
traumaIndicates whether trauma is recorded in the record. Example: 'Ja'.
allergiesAllergies recorded for the individual associated with the record. Example: 'Kjent for: asa'.
notesAdditional notes related to the record. Example: 'Oppdraget er feilsendt fra AMK.'.
chief_complaint_groupThe group or category of the chief complaint, if recorded. Example: 'Kirurgisk - Annen ulykke'.
chief_complaintSpecific chief complaint recorded in the record. Example: 'Hypotermi'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-07-25 12:54:39.9270000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:32.7291937'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:32.7291937'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to missions, including mission types, dispatch codes, and distances.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with the mission. Example: '9834'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each mission entry in the clean layer. Example: '00064e4921b4ddce24ba17312407633'.
emcc_mission_idThe mission identifier in the EMCC system. Example: '33644994'.
mission_resource_idThe identifier for the resource assigned to the mission.
dispatch_codeThe dispatch code associated with the mission.
mission_typeThe type of mission, indicating its purpose or classification. Example: 'Aborted'.
distanceThe distance covered during the mission, if recorded. Example: '16'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '1'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2023-07-25 12:01:29.9100000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:42.1198027'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:42.1198027'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to NEWS2 examinations, including total scores and COPD status.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with the NEWS2 examination. Example: '880'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each NEWS2 entry in the clean layer, based on record ID and examination GUID. Example: '00aa9c658a8c2b094cc321cdd2620ddf'.
examination_guidThe GUID for the specific NEWS2 examination instance. Example: '37270af3-7a7d-4bd2-b112-cc896937ae80'.
time_stampThe timestamp when the NEWS2 examination was conducted. Example: '2022-04-27 10:05:00.0000000'.
has_copdIndicates whether the patient has COPD. Example: 'false'.
scoring_params_idThe identifier for the scoring parameters used in the NEWS2 examination. Example: '1'.
scoring_params_titleThe title of the scoring parameters used in the NEWS2 examination. Example: 'Respirasjonsfrekvens (pr. min)'.
scoring_params_item_idThe identifier for the scoring parameter item in the NEWS2 examination. Example: '4'.
scoring_params_item_textThe text of the scoring parameter item in the NEWS2 examination. Example: '21-24'.
scoring_params_item_scoreThe score associated with the scoring parameter item in the NEWS2 examination. Example: '2'.
total_scoreThe total NEWS2 score recorded for the examination. Example: '8'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '2'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2022-05-25 10:26:17.9530000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:46.4322902'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:46.4322902'.


This model extracts and transforms data related to oxygen administration, including routes, quantities, and timestamps.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with oxygen administration data. Example: '13122'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each oxygen administration entry, based on record ID and oxygen order. Example: '00097d554f4d154f0f1e4530b243b8bf'.
routeThe method of oxygen administration. Example: 'Maske med reservoir'.
start_time_stampThe timestamp when oxygen administration started. Example: '2024-06-05 11:08:00.0000000'.
end_time_stampThe timestamp when oxygen administration ended, if applicable. Example: '2023-07-25 12:49:00.0000000'.
quantityThe quantity of oxygen administered. Example: '8'.
unitThe unit of oxygen quantity, typically liters (L). Example: 'L'.
oxygen_orderThe order number of oxygen administration within the record, indicating sequence. Example: '1'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '0'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2024-06-05 11:26:20.0570000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:48.2916602'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:48.2916602'.


This model extracts and transforms patient data, including identification, address, and next-of-kin information.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with the patient. Example: '13122'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each patient entry, based on record ID and patient ID. Example: '00097d554f4d154f0f1e4530b243b8bf'.
idThe unique identifier for the patient. Example: '20'.
full_nameThe full name of the patient, generated by concatenating first and last names. Example: 'Line Danner'.
date_of_birthThe date of birth of the patient. Example: '1969-11-13 00:00:00.0000000'.
id_typeType of identification used. Example: '1' (ID card).
national_id_numberThe national identification number for the patient. Example: '1311600216'.
unknown_patient_identification_numberA temporary ID assigned to unidentified patients, e.g., during mass casualty events. Example: '11100000005'.
unknown_patient_identification_typeThe system or standard used for the temporary ID, e.g., 'Hjelpenummer' in Norway.
home_address_or_placeThe home address or place of residence for the patient. Example: 'Numedalsveien 52, 3602 Kongsberg'.
home_house_numberThe house number of the patient's residence. Example: '25a'.
home_zipThe ZIP code of the patient's residence. Example: '3602'.
home_cityThe city of the patient's residence. Example: 'Kongsberg'.
home_municipality_or_countryThe municipality or country of the patient's residence, if available.
genderGender of the patient. Example: 'F' for female.
extra_textAdditional information related to the patient, if available.
weightThe weight of the patient, if recorded. Example: '74'.
patient_id_verification_methodMethod used to verify the patient's identity. Example: 'Fødselsnummer angitt av pasienten'.
patient_id_verification_levelLevel of identity verification conducted. Example: '1' for basic verification.
next_of_kin_relationshipThe relationship of the next of kin to the patient. Example: 'Kjæreste'.
next_of_kin_notificationAdditional information regarding notification of next of kin. Example: 'Er melder'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '0'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2024-06-05 11:26:20.0570000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:16.0728664'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:16.0728664'.


This model extracts and transforms personnel data, including roles (Driver, Treater, etc.), names, and user IDs associated with records.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with the personnel data. Example: '7362'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each personnel entry, based on user ID, record ID, and personnel type. Example: '000bc40b13f60ff4e2374f25cdf30d00'.
user_idThe unique identifier for the user associated with the personnel. Example: ''.
full_nameThe full name of the personnel, generated by concatenating first and last names. Example: 'Anders Kirste Egge'.
typeThe role or type of the personnel in the record, such as Driver, Treater, etc. Example: 'Treater'.
record_statusThe status of the record as provided in the staged records. Example: '3'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated in the source data. Example: '2022-11-29 07:57:25.3300000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:20.3384620'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:20.3384620'.


This model extracts and transforms crew roles data, including role names, resource types, and timestamps.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the crew role. Example: '134a5054-6de5-4041-9d5e-e6308dba91fc'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each crew role entry based on crew role ID and a static value. Example: 'b884d821872577332e5ba6357fd4f433'.
resource_type_idThe identifier for the resource type associated with the crew role. Example: '450b6b9a-c55f-4704-89e6-ffd55d607adb'.
nameThe name of the crew role. Example: 'Redningsmann'.
created_atThe timestamp when the crew role was created. Example: '2024-06-27 13:19:48.4907828'.
updated_atThe timestamp when the crew role was last updated. Example: '2024-06-27 13:19:48.4900000'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the crew role was deleted, if applicable. Example: 'NULL'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 09:43:20.5294313'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:57:29.1202417'.


This model serves as a bridge between the configurable crew roles and a specific record, linking crew members to records.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the medical record crew entry. Example: '003712ea-42e0-4890-94d3-abc1aa8d3fb4'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each medical record crew entry based on the medical record crew ID and a static value. Example: 'f459782f69e19e9438d8b32d9ced40b2e'.
record_idThe identifier for the medical record associated with the crew member. Example: '13328'.
crewrole_idThe identifier for the crew role associated with this medical record crew entry, linking to the configurable crew roles. Example: '36bff978-15c0-4e3c-a41b-e73f604c7be8'.
user_idThe unique identifier for the user (crew member) linked to this record. Example: '2A02AFB8-AA3B-4DAA-A8BE-D9B86FB20B9A'.
full_nameThe full name of the crew member associated with the record. Example: 'Maneevannan Rajkummar'.
updated_atThe timestamp when the medical record crew entry was last updated. Example: '2024-07-02 09:13:57.3130000'.
created_atThe timestamp when the medical record crew entry was created. Example: '2024-07-02 09:13:57.3123541'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the medical record crew entry was deleted, if applicable. Example: 'NULL'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-30 09:43:20.5294313'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 12:57:29.1202417'.


This model contains user information including email, full name, and metadata for tracking user updates and deletions.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the user entry. Example: '0944ab38-1321-4187-8103-9b21814da4fb'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each user entry based on the user ID and a static value. Example: '0e955a0e2a40e6a30445ddce9f03101'.
user_idThe user information used as the user identifier. Depends on the AD configuration, but it is usually the email. Example: ''.
full_nameThe full name of the user. Example: 'Eric Sundet'.
emailThe email address of the user. Example: ''.
updated_atThe timestamp of the last update to the user entry. Example: '2024-09-05 20:18:33.4130000'.
created_atThe timestamp of when the user entry was created. Example: '2024-09-05 20:18:33.4120041'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the user entry was deleted, if applicable. Example: 'NULL'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:42.1198027'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:00:42.1198027'.


This main table connects the other tables in the model, containing essential record information such as model version, status, and timestamps.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the record entry. Example: '1'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each record entry based on the record ID and a static value. Example: 'ea66c06c1e1c05fa9f1aa39d98dc5bc1'.
model_versionThe version of the model associated with the record. Example: '2'.
statusThe status code of the record. Example: '2'.
en_GBThe status description in British English. Example: 'Deleted'.
updated_atThe timestamp of the last update to the record entry. Example: '2022-05-25 10:47:30.2570000'.
created_atThe timestamp when the record entry was created. Example: '2022-02-24 10:59:08.3966667'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the record entry was deleted, if applicable. Example: 'NULL'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when the metadata was inserted for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:24.6822111'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when the metadata was last updated for tracking purposes. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:24.6822111'.


This table contains resource-related information linked to each record, such as station ID and callsign.

Column NameDescription
record_idThe unique identifier for the record to which this resource entry is associated. Example: '9834'.
unique_idA generated unique identifier for each resource entry based on the record ID and a static value. Example: '00064e94921b4ddce24ba17312407633'.
idThe unique identifier for the resource. Example: '45'.
station_idThe identifier of the station to which the resource is linked. Example: '1'.
callsignThe callsign of the resource, typically representing its operational name. Example: 'Maneevannan'.
station_nameThe identifier for the resource's station. Example: 'Nannestad'.
record_statusThe current status of the record, indicating its active or inactive state. Example: '1'.
record_updated_atThe timestamp when the record was last updated. Example: '2023-07-25 12:01:29.9100000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when metadata was inserted for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when metadata was last updated for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.


The RETTS (Rapid Emergency Triage and Treatment System) table contains triage data for patients, including various health assessments and risk levels related to their symptoms and conditions. This table includes details such as ESS numbers, symptoms, heart rate, and triage levels. Data is drawn from JSON data unpacked in the RETTS triage process, and records can be uniquely identified by record_id and triages_type.

Column NameDescription
record_idUnique identifier for each record.
unique_idSurrogate unique identifier for the table, generated as a combination of record_id and triages_type.
versionThe version of the RETTS triage system used. Example: '2024' or '2021'
ess_numberEmergency Severity Score (ESS) number for categorizing the severity of the patient's condition. Example: '5'
ess_risk_levelRisk level associated with the ESS number. Example: '2'
contact_reasonReason for contacting emergency services. Example: 'Brystsmerter / smerter i brystkassen'
symptomsSymptoms presented by the patient at the time of triage. Example: 'ST-heving på EKG (STEMI)'
triages_typeType of triage process used. Example: '1'
triages_total_risk_levelOverall risk level assessed during the triage process. Example: '1'
triages_time_stampTimestamp for when the triage assessment was performed. Example: '2024-06-05 13:09:00.0001107'
triages_ageAge group of the patient, such as 'adult', 'child', etc. Example: 'adult' or '1_year'
triages_obstetric_patientBoolean indicating if the patient is obstetric. Example: 'false'
triages_heart_ratePatient's heart rate during the triage process. Example: 'HF/puls 50 - 110 /min'
triages_heart_rate_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's heart rate. Example: '4'
triages_gcsGlasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score recorded during the triage. Example: 'GCS = 15'
triages_gcs_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's GCS score. Example: '4'
triages_spo2Oxygen saturation (SpO2) level of the patient. Example: 'SpO2 med O2 93 - 100 %'
triages_spo2_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's SpO2 level. Example: '3'
triages_airwaysAssessment of the patient's airway status. Example: 'Fri luftvei'
triages_airways_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's airway status. Example: '4'
triages_temperatureTemperature reading taken during the triage. Example: 'Temp. 35,0 - 38,5 °C'
triages_temperature_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's temperature. Example: '4'
triages_respiratory_rateRespiratory rate of the patient. Example: 'RF 8 - 25 /min'
triages_respiratory_rate_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's respiratory rate. Example: '4'
triages_spasmsInformation on whether spasms are observed in the patient. Example: 'Ingen kramper'
triages_spasms_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's spasms. Example: '4'
triages_ess_risk_levelESS risk level recorded for the patient. Example: '1'
triages_systolic_blood_pressurePatient's systolic blood pressure reading during triage. Example: 'SBT >= 90 mmHg'
triages_systolic_blood_pressure_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's systolic blood pressure. Example: '4'
triages_diastolic_blood_pressurePatient's diastolic blood pressure reading during triage. Example: 'DBT <= 95 mmHg'
triages_diastolic_blood_pressure_risk_levelRisk level associated with the patient's diastolic blood pressure. Example: '4'
record_statusStatus of the record, indicating the current state in the workflow. Example: '3'
record_updated_atTimestamp of the last update made to the record. Example: '2024-06-05 11:26:20.0570000 +02:00'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the record was first inserted into the database. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.8384454'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the record was last updated in the database. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.8384454'


The ewa_clean__sats table records detailed SATS (Severity Assessment Triage System) information, capturing a wide range of clinical signs, triage measurements, healthcare professionals' decisions, and configuration details.

Column NameDescription
record_idUnique identifier for each record entry. Example: 14223
clinical_signs_patient_age_groupThe age group of the patient as observed in clinical signs. Examples: 'Child', 'Adult'
clinical_signs_time_stampTimestamp of when clinical signs were recorded. Example: '2024-10-23 19:28:00.000000'
clinical_signs_priority_levelPriority level assigned based on clinical signs. Example: '4'
clinical_signs_selections_priority_levelPriority level from clinical signs selections. Example: '4'
clinical_signs_selections_priority_typeType of priority assigned in clinical selections. Example: '0'
clinical_signs_selections_orderOrder of clinical signs selections. Example: '0'
clinical_signs_selections_justification_textJustification text for clinical signs selections. Example: 'Tungpustethet; svært anstrengt/obstruktiv eller apnéer'
clinical_signs_selections_foot_noteFootnote associated with clinical signs selections. Example: '0'
triage_configuration_idUnique identifier for the triage configuration. Example: '64'
triage_configuration_version_nameVersion name of the triage configuration. Example: 'NEWS2/TEWS 5.1'
triage_configuration_revisionRevision number of the triage configuration. Example: '19'
triage_typeType of triage conducted. Example: '0'
triage_total_scoreTotal score from the triage assessment. Example: '11'
triage_is_completeIndicates whether the triage is complete. Example: 'true'
triage_time_stampTimestamp when the triage was completed. Example: '2024-10-23 19:28:00.000000'
triage_priority_levelOverall priority level from the triage assessment. Example: '4'
triage_tews_selected_params_idUnique identifier of the selected TEWS parameter. Example: '1'
triage_tews_selected_params_titleTitle of the selected TEWS parameter. Example: 'Resp. frekv'
triage_tews_selected_params_item_idIdentifier of the match in the TEWS parameter for a vital sign. Example: '4'
triage_tews_selected_params_item_textText of the match in the TEWS parameter for a vital sign. Example: '22-29'
triage_tews_selected_params_item_scoreScore of the match in the TEWS parameter for a vital sign. Example: '2'
senior_healthcare_professionals_discretions_justificationJustification provided by senior healthcare professionals for discretions.
senior_healthcare_professionals_discretions_time_stampTimestamp when senior healthcare professionals provided their discretions. Example: '2024-10-23T21:39:00.000000+02:00'
senior_healthcare_professionals_discretions_priority_levelPriority level assigned by senior healthcare professionals' discretions. Example: '1'
time_stampOverall timestamp for the SATS assessment. Example: '2024-10-23 21:39:41.660000'
not_applicableIndicator if SATS is not applicable for the patient. Example: 'false'
performed_sats_completeIndicates if SATS assessment was fully performed. Example: 'true'
age_selectionAge selection for the SATS configuration. Example: '6'
configuration_idUnique identifier for the SATS configuration. Example: '63'
configuration_version_nameVersion name of the SATS configuration. Example: 'SATS Norge 5.1'
configuration_revisionRevision number of the SATS configuration. Example: '27'
priority_level_totalTotal priority level calculated in SATS. Example: '1'
record_statusStatus code of the record. Examples: '0', '3'
record_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the record. Example: '2024-10-23 21:39:41.660000'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.838445'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.838445'


The ewa_clean__sepsis table records sepsis-related indicators and flags, including SIRS and qSOFA criteria, along with timestamps and status information.

Column NameDescription
record_idUnique identifier for each sepsis record entry. Example: '13122'
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining record_id and additional criteria for uniqueness.
time_stampTimestamp of when the sepsis-related data was recorded. Example: '2024-06-05 11:12:48.8903543'
sirs_heart_rateIndicates if the SIRS heart rate criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
sirs_respiratory_rateIndicates if the SIRS respiratory rate criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
sirs_tempIndicates if the SIRS temperature criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
qsofa_respiratory_rateIndicates if the qSOFA respiratory rate criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
qsofa_systolic_blood_pressureIndicates if the qSOFA systolic blood pressure criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
qsofa_gcsIndicates if the qSOFA Glasgow Coma Scale criterion is met. Examples: 'true', 'false'
record_statusStatus of the sepsis record. Example values: '0', '2', '3'
record_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the record. Example: '2024-06-05 11:26:20.0570000 +02:00'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.838445'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:31.838445'


The ewa_clean__time table logs various event timestamps related to records, capturing critical points in the response and incident handling timeline.

Column NameDescription
record_idUnique identifier for each record entry. Example: '13107'
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining record_id and time_type to ensure row uniqueness.
time_stampTimestamp of the event. Examples: '2024-06-04 12:37:38.0491777', '2023-12-22 07:58:31.1500000'
time_typeType of the timestamp event. Examples: 'free', 'ambulance_alerted', 'at_place_of_incident'
record_statusStatus of the record at the time of the event. Examples: '0', '2', '3'
record_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the record. Example: '2024-06-04 10:37:52.4330000 +02:00'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:35.9790564'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:35.9790564'


The ewa_clean__stations table contains details about stations, including related record information and metadata timestamps.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each station. Example: '1'
unique_idGenerated unique identifier to ensure row uniqueness.
nameName of the Station
organization_idReference id for the organization
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the station. Example: '2023-12-04 18:25:17.9800000 +01:00'
created_atTimestamp when the station was first created. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'
deleted_atTimestamp when the station was deleted, if applicable. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'


The ewa_clean__organizations table contains details about organizations, including related record information and metadata timestamps. One organization is also referred to as a health trust.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each organization. Example: '1'
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining the organization id, record_id, and name to ensure row uniqueness.
record_idUnique identifier for each sepsis record entry. Example: '13122'
nameName of the organization. Example: 'Bliksund HF'
organization_referenceReference number or name for the organization. Example: '123456789'
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the organization. Example: '2023-12-04 18:25:17.9800000 +01:00'
created_atTimestamp when the organization was first created. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'
deleted_atTimestamp when the organization was deleted, if applicable. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'


The ewa_clean__cardiac_arrest_forms table contains information about the information in a cardiac arrest forms.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each cardiac arrest form (from EWA)
unique_idUnique identifier for each cardiac arrest form (from Analytics)
record_idThe unique identifier for the record associated with the cardiac_arrest_forms. Example: '13122'.
form_statusThe status of the cardiac arrest form, indicating if it's completed or ongoing.
emcc_alerted_time_knownIndicates if the time when the EMCC was alerted is known. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
emcc_alerted_time_stampTimestamp indicating when the EMCC was alerted.
event_time_knownIndicates if the time of the cardiac arrest is known. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
event_time_stampTimestamp of the cardiac arrest.
reportedIndicates if it was reported as a cardiac arrest. Example: 'Yes', 'No', or 'Unknown'.
ambulance_arrival_time_stampTimestamp when the ambulance arrived at the scene.
cardiac_arrest_placeLocation where the cardiac arrest took place.
collapse_seenIndicator of whether the collapse was witnessed.
cardiac_arrest_causeThe cause of the cardiac arrest.
acute_breast_painIndicator if the patient experienced acute breast pain prior to the arrest.
cardiac_arrest_conjunction_exerciseIndicates whether the cardiac arrest occurred during exercise.
cpr_performed_bystandersIndicates if CPR was performed by bystanders.
cpr_methodThe method of CPR performed.
cpr_performed_first_responderIndicator of whether the first responder performed CPR.
cpr_method_first_respondentThe method of CPR used by the first respondent.
aed_connectedIndicates if an AED was connected.
shocks_administeredIndicates if an AED did shock administration
first_shock_time_stampTimestamp indicating when the first shock was given.
first_heart_rhythmThe patient's initial heart rhythm at first contact.
cpr_performed_paramedicsIndicates if CPR was performed by paramedics. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
cpr_not_startedReason why CPR was not initiated, if applicable.
cpr_started_time_stampTimestamp indicating when CPR was initiated.
defibrillation_paramedicsIndicates if defibrillation was performed by paramedics.
number_shocksTotal number of shocks.
airways_managementDetails about airway management procedures performed.
capnographyUse of capnography during resuscitation. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
adrenalinIndicates if adrenalin was administered. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
amiodaroneIndicates if amiodarone was administered. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
prehospital_thrombolysisIndicates if prehospital thrombolysis was done.
chest_compression_machineIndicates if a chest compression machine was used.
chest_compression_machine_time_stampTimestamp indicating when the chest compression machine was initiated.
cpr_was_stoppedIndicator if CPR was stopped. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
cpr_stopped_time_stampTimestamp indicating when CPR was stopped.
cpr_stop_causeReason for stopping CPR.
rosc_achievedIndicator if ROSC was achieved.
continuous_rosc_achievedIndicator if continuous ROSC was achieved. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
continuous_rosc_time_stampTimestamp indicating when continuous ROSC was achieved.
active_cooling_startedIndicator if active cooling treatment was started.
active_cooling_started_time_stampTimestamp indicating when active cooling was initiated.
twelve_lead_ecgIndicates if a 12-lead ECG was performed.
patient_transported_hospitalIndicates if the patient was transported to a hospital. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
direct_transport_hospitalIndicates if direct transport to a hospital with Angio/PCI-lab occurred. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
direct_transport_pciIndicates if direct transport to a PCI-lab occurred. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.
status_at_hospital_arrivalPatient's status at arrival at the hospital.
hospital_arrival_time_knownIndicates if the time when the patient arrived at the hospital is known. Values: 'Yes' or 'No'.
hospital_arrival_time_stampTimestamp indicating when the patient arrived at the hospital.
delivery_hospitalThe hospital to which the patient was delivered.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the cardiac arrest form.
created_atTimestamp when the cardiac arrest form record was created.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'


The ewa_clean__urgency_levels table contains information about urgency levels. Each row represents an urgency level with details about when it was created and updated.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each urgency level. Example: '12345'.
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining the id and a constant value to ensure row uniqueness.
nameThe name of the urgency level in the default language. Example: 'Acute'.
name_en_GBThe name of the urgency level in British English. Example: 'Acute'.
name_da_DKThe name of the urgency level in Danish. Example: 'Akut'.
name_fr_FRThe name of the urgency level in French. Example: 'Aigu'.
name_de_DEThe name of the urgency level in German. Example: 'Akut'.
name_nb_NOThe name of the urgency level in Norwegian Bokmål. Example: 'Akutt'.
name_sv_SEThe name of the urgency level in Swedish. Example: 'Akut'.
colorThe color code associated with the urgency level. Example: 'red'.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the urgency level record. Example: '2023-12-04 18:25:17.9800000 +01:00'.
created_atTimestamp when the urgency level record was first created. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'.
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'.


The ewa_clean__record_urgency_levels table contains information about the relationship between records and urgency levels. Each row represents a mapping between a record and its associated urgency level.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each record urgency level mapping. Example: '12345'.
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining the id and a constant value to ensure row uniqueness.
urgency_level_idIdentifier for the associated urgency level. Example: 'a1b2c3d4'.
record_idIdentifier for the associated record. Example: '9834'.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the record urgency level mapping. Example: '2023-12-04 18:25:17.9800000 +01:00'.
created_atTimestamp when the record urgency level mapping was first created. Example: '2022-02-23 18:22:58.8100000 +01:00'.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'.
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated. Example: '2024-10-28 19:05:09.0962873'.


The checklist_responses table contains records of individual checklist responses, including responses to specific checklist items.

Column NameDescription
unique_idGenerated unique identifier for the checklist response. Based on the id, item_number and record_id.
checklist_configuration_item_idIdentifier for the checklist item associated with the response.
record_idIdentifier for the record to which the checklist response is linked.
completed_time_stampTimestamp when the checklist was completed.
item_numberThe item number within the checklist.
item_response_is_selectedIndicates whether the checklist item was selected as a response (true/false).
item_response_textText response provided for the checklist item.
item_response_valueValue associated with the checklist item's response.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the checklist response.
created_atTimestamp when the checklist response was first created.
deleted_atTimestamp when the checklist response was deleted.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated


The checklist_configuration_items table defines the items in a checklist and holds information about that specific checklist.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for the checklist configuration item. Based on the id and the item_number.
unique_idGenerated unique identifier for the checklist configuration item. Based on the id and the item_number.
checklist_configuration_idIdentifier for the checklist configuration.
checklist_guidGlobally unique identifier (GUID) for the checklist.
checklist_nameName of the checklist.
item_numberThe item number within the checklist.
item_descriptionDescription of the checklist item.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the checklist configuration.
created_atTimestamp when the checklist configuration was first created.
deleted_atTimestamp when the checklist configuration was deleted.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated


The emcc_tickets table contains ticket data related to EMCC missions, including mission IDs, urgency levels, and dispatch code information.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier for each emcc ticket
unique_idGenerated unique identifier combining the id and a constant value to ensure row uniqueness.
full_emcc_mission_idThe mission identifier in the EMCC system including the resource assigned to the mission.
emcc_mission_idThe mission identifier in the EMCC system. Example: '33644994'.
mission_resource_idThe identifier for the resource assigned to the mission.
full_emcc_mission_id_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the full mission ID.
emcc_alerted_time_stampTimestamp when the EMCC was alerted.
emcc_alerted_time_stamp_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the alerted timestamp.
dispatch_codeThe dispatch code associated with the emcc ticket.
dispatch_code_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the dispatch code.
dispatch_code_descriptionDescription of the dispatch code.
dispatch_code_description_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the dispatch code description.
urgency_levelThe urgency level of the emcc ticket.
urgency_level_updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the urgency level.
problem_descriptionA description of the problem associated with the emcc ticket.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the emcc ticket.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted.
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated.


The records_emcc_tickets bridges the EMCC tickets to their associated records.

Column NameDescription
idUnique identifier
unique_idGenerated unique identifier in Analytics
emcc_ticket_idUnique identifier for each emcc ticket.
record_idUnique identifier for the record associated with the emcc ticket.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the emcc_ticket.
created_atTimestamp when the emcc_ticket was first created.
metadata_inserted_atTimestamp when the metadata was first inserted.
metadata_updated_atTimestamp when the metadata was last updated.


This table contains information about individual resources, including their type, station association, and metadata timestamps.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the resource. Example: '10'.
nameThe name of the resource
station_idThe identifier of the station to which the resource is linked. Example: '10'.
resource_type_idThe identifier for the resource's type, linking to the resource type table. Example: '49bddc91-09b1-4cef-a08c-a2ae72abcde7'.
updated_atThe timestamp when the resource was last updated. Example: '2024-11-03 14:22:10.1230000'.
created_atThe timestamp when the resource was created. Example: '2023-05-12 08:14:03.0000000'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the resource was marked as deleted (if applicable). Example: '2024-12-25 09:00:00.0000000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when metadata was inserted for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when metadata was last updated for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.


This table contains information about resource types, including their names and metadata timestamps.

Column NameDescription
idThe unique identifier for the resource type. Example: '49bddc91-09b1-4cef-a08c-a2ae72abcde7'.
nameThe name of the resource type. Example: 'Ambulance'.
updated_atThe timestamp when the resource type was last updated. Example: '2024-11-03 14:22:10.1230000'.
created_atThe timestamp when the resource type was created. Example: '2023-05-12 08:14:03.0000000'.
deleted_atThe timestamp when the resource type was marked as deleted (if applicable). Example: '2024-12-25 09:00:00.0000000'.
metadata_inserted_atThe timestamp when metadata was inserted for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.
metadata_updated_atThe timestamp when metadata was last updated for tracking. Example: '2024-10-29 13:01:27.7915687'.


The ewa_clean__retts_priority_levels table contains information about RETTS (Rapid Emergency Triage and Treatment System) priority levels

Column NameDescription
idThe retts priority level identifier. Example: '1'.
colorColor associated with the RETTS priority level. Example: 'Red'.


The ewa_clean__sats_priority_levels table contains information about SATS (Severity Assessment Triage System) priority levels

Column NameDescription
idThe sats priority level identifier. Example: '1'.
colorColor associated with the SATS priority level. Example: 'Red'.